A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time and Tide

I have no clue how the last two days have passed by. Not that I was stressed out with loads of work. Neither did I have some big events coming up. But I haven't had a moment to myself to just sit idly or think about nothing in particular or just reflect on some random thoughts.

Its actually a good feeling. It makes me realize that I'm not having to "pass" time. Time is just passing by. Having said, I do sometimes wonder if this is taking me away from some things I don't want to get away from. These thoughts are fleeting though. More from disbelief of having this feeling than perhaps from any substance in it.

I'm back home now. And this is the first time in nearly 3 days I'm breathing consciously. And now that I'm thinking what I did in these last 3 days I'm quite satisfied. Anyway needless to say that a song inspires this reflection. And just like my time this weekend the song has a beautiful flow.

"Music is to the soul, what a hot water bath is to the body.."

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