A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I've had a long day..discussing and over-discussing macroeconomics with so many smart people around me. The result was fruitful. A better understanding of concepts. Definitely satisfying. One loop-hole remains. Hopefully it'll be sealed with tomorrow's sun rise.

The highlight of the day was still a long phone conversation and the photograph of a fantastic painting a friend sent me. I know I'm making my friend's day now :) And its totally well-deserved.

In another place, another friend's life faces chaos. I'm sure it'll be resolved soon. Time will take care of it.

In yet another place another friend got engaged for marriage. First amongst our group from Kgp. I'm excited! Also angry with him for not making me meet her while I was in India. You suck!

Anyway...with all these events its late. I type while the moonlight falls on the keyboard of my laptop through the window of our house.

I find my self humming this song...

"Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in...To the power of the music that I write, the power of the music of the night...."

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