A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Indian Charm

Today's song of the day is a request. A request I wouldn't decline even if I wanted to. But with a song like this there's no question of decline. I'm surprised this song had been missed, but I'm glad its come to notice. Better late than never!

Anyway it brings back a lot of memories. Memories of 4 years of my life in which I was probably closest to music. The stage, the lights, the audience, the practice sessions, the power of the strings...aah.. what a time of life! This song was quite close to the peak of those 4 musical years. And I'll always like our version more, as good as this song is!

Imagine yourself in a desert of Rajasthan. Imagine the line of huts and the small well of water. A man riding the back of a camel. The sun setting behind it, making the sky vermilion, matching the color of the sindur of the lady passing by. She's dressed in the traditional folk colors of Rajasthan, with bangles, an ornate trinket around her ankle and may be a nose ring.....

"Music fills the infinite between two souls.."

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