A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A different way to be

From corporate job to academics.

The change is quite amazing. As much as I loved working, as much as I miss the Bloomberg terminal, the fixed income weeklies and the non-farm payrolls conference calls, academic life in a top class university has its own charm. Strict statistical proofs, math fundamentals, computer science simulations and the efficient market hypotheses is just as fascinating. Even though its quite a different way to be.

There is a certain smoothness about academic life, which is unique to it. I know I've probably exercised what is probably my last option on education. I just want to make it deep in the money.
Now is the time to learn.

"Music, the greatest good that mortals know, And all of heaven we have below"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time and Tide

I have no clue how the last two days have passed by. Not that I was stressed out with loads of work. Neither did I have some big events coming up. But I haven't had a moment to myself to just sit idly or think about nothing in particular or just reflect on some random thoughts.

Its actually a good feeling. It makes me realize that I'm not having to "pass" time. Time is just passing by. Having said, I do sometimes wonder if this is taking me away from some things I don't want to get away from. These thoughts are fleeting though. More from disbelief of having this feeling than perhaps from any substance in it.

I'm back home now. And this is the first time in nearly 3 days I'm breathing consciously. And now that I'm thinking what I did in these last 3 days I'm quite satisfied. Anyway needless to say that a song inspires this reflection. And just like my time this weekend the song has a beautiful flow.

"Music is to the soul, what a hot water bath is to the body.."

Friday, September 17, 2010


I've spent the entire evening, most of the night, and most of the early morning finding my way through tons of historical economic data and finding relationships between them.

Most people find this process frustrating. I think there's a certain charm about this process. Statistical inferences, correlations, trends, cyclicality...I like these terms. And more so when the variables deal with economics.

The joy which you feel after you've made sense of data which seemed nonsensical just a few hours ago is quite magical. Its almost as if you've discovered relationships from history which have always been there..whether you believe it or not...whether they make logical sense or not is more human than mathematics, more subjective than objective. Much like the notes of the piano.

Much like this song, in such a different emotion nevertheless!

"If you look deep enough, you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music.."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Don't Worry

I've had a tough 2 days. I missed a post yesterday. Lots of worries and chaos. I'm glad its over because I rather not put sad thoughts into this space. I'd much rather imagine you smiling while reading this.

Anyway, the day ended with an extremely satisfying email which made up for quite a lot of the problems I faced. Yes, happiness was just around the corner.

"There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Still haven't found what I'm looking for?

One of our best friends just got engaged recently. Its one of his biggest dreams coming true. He said in our first year in college, "Yaar life mein settle hona hai!"

Everyone has dreams at that age. Only few go on to fulfill them exactly when and how they want. This guy did it. And in the best way possible..I call it the "Socha na tha" adaptation of real life. I still remember him walking the corridors of the hostel singing U2's song in his torn voice.

His words now seem quite wise. Have I still haven't found what I'm looking for?

Well the answer is a song. And its not the one which it seems I've made obvious. So click below, before you make any conclusions!

"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Indian Charm

Today's song of the day is a request. A request I wouldn't decline even if I wanted to. But with a song like this there's no question of decline. I'm surprised this song had been missed, but I'm glad its come to notice. Better late than never!

Anyway it brings back a lot of memories. Memories of 4 years of my life in which I was probably closest to music. The stage, the lights, the audience, the practice sessions, the power of the strings...aah.. what a time of life! This song was quite close to the peak of those 4 musical years. And I'll always like our version more, as good as this song is!

Imagine yourself in a desert of Rajasthan. Imagine the line of huts and the small well of water. A man riding the back of a camel. The sun setting behind it, making the sky vermilion, matching the color of the sindur of the lady passing by. She's dressed in the traditional folk colors of Rajasthan, with bangles, an ornate trinket around her ankle and may be a nose ring.....

"Music fills the infinite between two souls.."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thank God

Sometimes your brain just works in the perfect way. You preempt the challenges which are about to be thrown to you and work towards getting yourself psyched and prepared for them.
Something like whats happening to me now. Thank God I was able to predict the kinds of challenges I'd be facing and so far I can't think of much I missed in my preparation for this new phase of life.

Don't know how long this will last. Hope it does for as long as this phase does. It will on God's will.

"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul"

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday night!

It's a Friday night! I'm in a happy mood. Party time. Though there's no party happening, apart from in my mind.

I'm relieved with the amount of work I've been able to get out of the way today.
Looking forward to the ability of being able to have some fun, play some games and cook some interesting food over the weekend.

So there's no depth to my thoughts today. Its simple, joyous and party-like.
And as a result, today's song is 'dhinchak'. It does have some interesting use of digital music, though. But thats besides the point. I'm just celebrating the arrival of the weekend.

"Where's the party tonight!?......"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I've had a long day..discussing and over-discussing macroeconomics with so many smart people around me. The result was fruitful. A better understanding of concepts. Definitely satisfying. One loop-hole remains. Hopefully it'll be sealed with tomorrow's sun rise.

The highlight of the day was still a long phone conversation and the photograph of a fantastic painting a friend sent me. I know I'm making my friend's day now :) And its totally well-deserved.

In another place, another friend's life faces chaos. I'm sure it'll be resolved soon. Time will take care of it.

In yet another place another friend got engaged for marriage. First amongst our group from Kgp. I'm excited! Also angry with him for not making me meet her while I was in India. You suck!

Anyway...with all these events its late. I type while the moonlight falls on the keyboard of my laptop through the window of our house.

I find my self humming this song...

"Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in...To the power of the music that I write, the power of the music of the night...."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Swimming. For long. A lot. Exhausted.

Entered the hot water sauna. Closed my eyes and heard the sound of the piano and the flute intertwined in a melody.
The beginning of the song brings immense calm. I listened intensely, intently.

I could imagine the most beautiful sceneries. Central park in New York city in the fall. The yellow, red and orange leaves. The frozen waterfall at Columbus, Ohio. Nariman Point, Mumbai in the monsoon. The 2.2km road filled with fog in an early morning in Kharagpur. The still water on the beach in Mauritius. The lonely boats in the sea of that beach. The fine arts building at Carnegie Mellon. I could go on...but I guess you get the point.

Close your eyes while listening to this. Hopefully you'll get to see some scenes from your travels and prompt some more traveling!

"Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul. It's the most delightful gift God has given us"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A new day

I woke up this morning after a 4-day long fun weekend. A weekend of squash, swimming, table tennis, MATLAB, C++ and Macroeconomics!

Most such days would start with a "Damn the mini-vacation is over!" It wasn't the case today. Even though the first class of the day was something I was least looking forward to. For some reason, I still had a big smile on my face. For the same reason, I woke up at 6.30 am with no fuss whatsoever. Maybe it was the new toaster we bought. (Yes we can finally have toast with our morning coffee!)

Whatever be the case, such a mood is something to savor. So on the walk to the bus stop in the morning this is the song my I-pod played, while i stared into the sun wearing my (new) sun glasses.

Things seemed perfect like I had it all.

What you don't have, you don't need it now,
What you don't know, you can feel it somehow.

"Music is a safe type of high. It's more the way it was supposed to be. That's where highness came from, I guess, anyway. It's nothing but rhythm and motion."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Stay the same

This song is actually my friend's song of the day. She was listening to it while drinking her favorite drink after a long two months of life changing events to say the least.

Its a special song for a multitude of reasons. The concept, the lyrics...polished at some places, rustic at others. The music...a mixture of jazz, blues and Arabic. Rahman's voice.

I remember discussing this song at length when I was just getting to know my friend well. And I remember three of us singing it together while playing 'Antakshari' in a long auto ride in the suburbs of Mumbai.

This song, though written for the city of Delhi, can easily be translated to Mumbai or even important people in your life.

Rehna tu, hai jaise tu
Thoda sa dard tu, thoda sukoon!

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yahi meri zindagi hai!

This was planned much earlier. I hope to put it into practice now.
A song a day and I don't want to restrict myself to any particular genre.
The music I post is more for the feel and the situation/incident/person/mood that reminded me of the song that day..

I've been in a new city and a new country for the last one month. And I've just about started to really enjoy and feel at peace with my life here. Moreover the weather has changed in the last two days from scorching heat to extremely pleasant with a light cool breeze blowing on your face while you're walking the side-walk.

I just returned home after some grocery shopping with my i-pod in my ears and this song playing at full volume. Made my day.

Hope it does something similar to you!

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. It is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents."