A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Music and Lyrics

Today, I made use of the best technology I've come across for a while now. We'd gone for some Froyo (frozen yogurt) with some of my friends to our favorite place in Squirrel Hill, Razzy Fresh. As I entered the parlor I heard a familiar song. A song which I'd heard consciously and sub consciously on several occasions in places like coffee shops, ice cream parlors, malls, cafeterias....always faintly playing in the background.
I never really new what the song was, but I knew that I really liked it. So, I told this whole story to one of my friends. Also stating that I wish I had knew which song this was so that I could download it.
My friend, the proud owner of an i-phone said "I can help you there!". He just held the i-phone close to one of the speakers and triggered an application. Soon the application spat out the band, album and song name. To my delight of course. Now thats another reason to buy an i-pad :)

By the way, this is a really nice song. I'm glad I can hear it without falling to pieces in desperate search for it. Thanks to my friend and his i-phone.

And the lyrics


  1. :( I've already forgotten the tune I wanted to search ! Damn!

  2. Hawww! Haww ! Hawwww! And, more HAWWWs!

    I second and recommend reading/listening to everything that has made its way to you because 'They say that things happen for a reason' :)

  3. Hehe..this is your favorite post, isn't it? :)
