A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

An era

Every day here seems like a year. A mini like a decade. A semester like an era. And not in a bad way. Far from it. In a very very good way. My time feels well utilized. And thats a good feeling. I was just talking to my mom saying that "too much free time" is basically the root cause of most things that are wrong in the world.
So if anyone of you ever wondered whats causing stress/distress, just consider the lack of an interest or hobby as a possible cause. If you can't think of anything to do, do what I do : make random theories, link it to a song and share it. If nothing else, people will appreciate Rahman's music.

By the way, this song is extremely beautiful. Unfortunately, the screenplay has two cartoons in it. Please ignore them and the childish choreography and concentrate on Rahman's beautiful melody.
There is so much of music squeezed into this one song, much like so many things squeezed into this time in our life, making it seem like an era.

"Music is what feelings sound like.."

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