A song a day, keeps the worries away!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Best of me

Two fascinating lectures.

1. Goldman Sachs tells us how funding against the fed funds effective rate for collateralized OTC trades challenges the traditional discounting based on LIBOR. As interesting as this was, I fear we'll be obsolete even before we graduate!
2. From the Binomial pricing model to the Black Scholes. One of the most ingenuous derivations in financial mathematics. A Nobel prize winning idea. We're ready to listen to it from the horse's mouth next week.

I'm sorry to be so geeky and selfish today. But I won't say much more.
Suffice to say, this day pretty much got the best of me :)

"When you want it, when you need it, you'll always get the best of me..."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Back home

The first day of a new week of a new term in college. Felt at home, at peace, getting into the routine, in familiar territory.
In a short span of time, I've started referring to this place as home. Its not replaced Mumbai by any stretch of imagination, but I'm still far more home than I had anticipated three months ago when I came here.
As much as I love New York, I missed CMU while I was away. It took me a year to get attached to IIT, a fortnight to get attached to this place. Its magical.

"Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

High Hopes

I've had a largely music-less past month. Its unfortunate. But my time has been mostly well spent. So I'm not too sad about it. There was one song though which carried me through these very involved few weeks.

I traveled two 8 hour bus journeys last week through the beautiful countryside of eastern Pennsylvania from Pittsburgh to New York. Colors...yellow, orange, red, pink, hint of green still. Autumn, vibrant as ever.
Spent some very busy days in the financial capital of the world.
But ended it up with a fun filled day. Worked like a medicine to my tired body and mind.

Don't you love New York in the fall?

fall_foliage_TEMP0465.JPG   -   Fall foliage, Acadia National Park, Maine